How was floor set for everyone?

We didn’t leave until 1:30am. There were 5 of us. AND some of us even came in earlier than we were scheduled as well. We were scheduled 6-11 but it ended up being 5pm - 1:30am. We did have a few things we didn’t get to finish but we were all starting to lose our minds so we called it quits. I mean… we had to do pretty much the entire body care walls! Sooo much of it was literally just moving one scent to a different shelf. Like, it was on the top shelf and we had to move it to the bottom. Or moving entire scent collections one cabinet over. Such a waste of time! And we have to move all the understock.. It’s insanity! Some of the changes make sense but most of them don’t. I’m getting paid so it’s whatever but honestly - what’s the point? We needed more employees helping. We need more carts. Ours are being used elsewhere and are broken so we had to move most of the product just using our baskets! My back is hurting already. It’s ridiculous keeping us there so late. Most of us have other jobs/school/kids we need to be up for in the morning. I’m going to be miserable tomorrow. It’s so frustrating when we work there on a weekday morning and we have 0 customers and are twiddling our thumbs… why can’t we start moving the understocks at least during that time? Less work to do on floor set night and keep us busy during the week….. I don’t get it and never will lol. I would LOVE to sit in on a corporate meeting when they’re making these floor set decisions. Obviously nobody on that team has ever actually participated in a real floor set! And who is in charge of scheduling? Do they take different sized stores into consideration? I work at a pretty large store. Are there only a certain amount of hours allotted for the night? Or is that my management under scheduling? Instead of staying so late we could have had 2 more employees helping. We could have gotten everything done on time and all have been in bed at a reasonable hour. UGH!