Not enough office stations on this sub... heres my Fluorescent Excell/Salesforce hell
Operations Coordinator here.... 24 hours a day on call , 20 hour days sometimes only to go home to my basement battle station and continue through the night ... 8 days of hell then 6 off...
Any suggestions for improving my jail cell before I add a noose? I share the space/desk with my counterpart on the opposite schedule.
Recent improvement was the 75" tv , highly recommend must have for anyone in equipment/crew management or logistics lol
...Jobs not that bad I can pretty much set my own hours and weekends can sometimes be remote work...
Operations Coordinator here.... 24 hours a day on call , 20 hour days sometimes only to go home to my basement battle station and continue through the night ... 8 days of hell then 6 off...
Any suggestions for improving my jail cell before I add a noose? I share the space/desk with my counterpart on the opposite schedule.
Recent improvement was the 75" tv , highly recommend must have for anyone in equipment/crew management or logistics lol
...Jobs not that bad I can pretty much set my own hours and weekends can sometimes be remote work...