Bank accounts
So, I recently started doing all the bank account offers.
I've done the first direct bad my payment. Done the tsb awaiting payment. I have now discovered Topcashback, and noticed they actually have a tsb offer. Can I open another tsb to claim this or am I to late?
I've done monzo business using ebay urlnas the business and done a refferals on this.
I've done the Charles stanley(pending)
Go cardless confirmed but not payable, however I got an email from GoCardless saying they closed my account... so don't think this will become payable.
I've opened the tide business account again using ebay as the business. How long till this one normally pays out?
My main question is, with these business accounts Can I use them to do the bank switching offers, or am I best just to close them (tide once i lve receivedthemoney)? I don't have any intention of actually being a business.