Beginner - how did you start?

Very new to running. I'm starting out on the treadmill and when it gets warmer I'll move to the outdoors.

A very fit friend suggested I start out with 4mph and focus on seeing how long I can go for/not worry about speed, but this speed was awkward for me so I did 5 instead. Today was my first day at the gym in a long time. I jogged at 5pmh for 30min at 0 incline. It was tough, I could've stopped around the 23min mark but I really wanted to keep going (admittedly I felt ready to stop at like 13min but at 23min is when i was like oh my idk if I can keep going). But I was surprised because I thought I was only going to be able to jog for 10 min or so. I honestly was shocked that I jogged 30 minute straight considering my current shape.

When you began your journeys, how did you start out? Did you focus on speed of run or duration? At what point did you begin to integrate the other component?

How many days a week would you suggest I start out with? I am eager to incorporate exercise into my routine but also don't want to hurt myself. I tend to go a bit too intense with things.