Seeing Beyonce for the first time!

This post may be all over the place but i know you guys will understand.

I just got my ticket for the Houston show during the Verzion presale AHHH!! This is my first time seeing Beyonce and I’m so excited. I will say for people who have not gotten their tickets yet to keep trying I went in yesterday and the prices were insane but when I got them today I only paid $180 for a seat in the 300’s which is amazing compared to the $600 they wanted yesterday.

Now I’m going by myself but I saw a bunch of tweets that said if you don’t have anyone to go with then just go by yourself.

My question is to anyone who has been to see Beyonce by yourself what was your experience like?

I’ve only been to one concert alone so I’m still kind of new to this and a little nervous because this concert will be way bigger.