15 month old still waking up nearly every single night?

Hello! Hoping for some advice, or just some solidarity, as my 1 year old is still waking up nearly every single night.

We completely weaned night feeds around 11 months and had maybe 1-2 months where he was finally sleeping soundly through the night. Around 13 months, he started waking up in the middle of the night again crying, usually once or twice a night. He’s just about 15 months now. My husband and I try to give him a few minutes, as sometimes he goes back to sleep, and then if not, one of us goes in there with him. We just sit in his rocking chair with him for maybe 3-5 minutes snuggling him and then put him back in his crib and he goes right back to sleep. It’s not a huge deal since it just takes a few minutes, but it is exhausting when he does it multiple times a night nearly every single night. We attributed it to teething while his first molars were coming in, but now they have long since come in and the wake ups haven’t stopped.

Did anybody else go through this? Did it ever end? Any tips/tricks to try to help? I’m pregnant with my second now and terrified he’s still going to be waking up consistently once baby #2 arrives!