Help us sleep.
Dad here. Our son is just 11 days old, definitely the highlight of our life now. BUT, sleeping is rough. Especially for my girlfriend. She pumps and we’re bottle feeding so i can feed baby while she sleeps.
We tried the whole “sleep when baby sleeps” but that doesn’t work great just yet, especially for her. When its her turn on baby watch, she will feed him, burp him, change him, pump, then get about 40 mins before the cycle continues.
So we changed to taking “shifts”, ill get my 8 hours of sleep, wake up around 6-7am, and then take over till about 3pm, then go to work. That way we both have an opportunity to sleep. Obviously its harder on her because of pumping. But its a lot better than what we were doing. Now here is the problem:
On Saturdays i work doubles at a restaurant. Which messes up our entire “shift” routine every week. How do you guys learn to get more sleep? I need any advice.
Edit: Our son HATES being swaddled. Will sleep on his back ANYWHERE else but his bassinet. I could transfer him back and forth 10 times from the couch to the bed without him making a sound. As soon as he’s in that bassinet, he’s crying. And its not the bassinet itself. It’s just bassinets in general. We have 3 different ones. Hates all of them lol