Attraction to husband

I guess i’m looking for advice or solidarity..

I had an extremely traumatic birth with severe pre eclampsia, fluid in my lungs, my heart doubled in size, and a 100lb weight gain. Also 5 months post partum i was diagnosed via a lumbar puncture with a rare neurological condition brought on by oregnancy. My husband is a saint and was there every step of the way to support me and help me in any way I needed. The issue is that we are a year post partum now and I lack physical attraction/ drive to have sex with my husband. My lobido just isnt there anymore.. its like it went on vacation and decided to never come back!! Idk if it’s the stress of being a new parent or the fear that by having sex I could get pregnant.. are there any other moms out there who went through this? Do you have any advice? I love my husband but I fear this is going to impact our marriage if I cant figure out what’s going on.