Two children - how bad is it really?

Currently in my first trimester with number 2. Number 1 will be 2.5 when this one arrives. We had a scan in the early pregnancy assessment unit today, I was so relieved to see the tiny bean was ok but my husband’s face just… fell? I think he is extremely unhappy about child 2 even though it was planned. He was very absent during my entire first pregnancy and I had hoped this time might be different. I had a difficult pregnancy and can’t cope with another pregnancy on my own.

He has told me he doesn’t think having a second child will do anything other than ruin our lives (I really wish he had said that two months ago). I don’t know what to do. So please hit me up with the good the bad and the ugly of having two children. There has to be some positives in there right? And if it truly is awful let me know now cause I need to know.

Editing to add: a lot of you have rightly picked up that my big concern is my husband and his ability to support me or cope. I can not stress enough last time was horrendous. I had HG, birth trauma ending in a C-section then my daughter was hospitalised at 3 days old when she aspirated on her vomit. I had a lot of counselling and was diagnosed with PTSD afterwards. My husband has not but is currently waiting for CBT for anxiety. I think he may have trauma from the first pregnancy too. He is a great dad to our almost 2 year old and she loves playing with him but he struggled when she was a newborn.