Can people just not make rude comments…

I’m at Costco and I was enjoying a small lunch while my daughter slept in her car seat. Lady comes up gushing over how little she is and how cute that I brought my newborn in. I corrected her and told her that my daughter is 7 months old but that she is just little. The woman automatically goes “well obviously she was premature because there is no way that she would be that small otherwise”. I have to tell her that she was born early but she is just a small baby. (She is about 14lbs, nothing wrong just has a high metabolism) she huffed at me and turned to her daughter to say “obviously she is doing something wrong for her to be that small” ughhhh this is why I don’t want to leave the house.

please do not respond with things about her size, it drives me crazy because my child is healthy and happy and meeting her milestones ahead of time.

Edit: thank yall so much for the stories and the laughs and making me not feel so alone in this. I feel like I get comments every time I’m out by myself with my daughter and it just makes me so angry and I spiral at the same time.