My baby’s bedtime is getting earlier and earlier???

My little dude will be 5 months old on March 28. I’ve always tried to lay him down between 6:30-7:30pm, depending on how tired he seems.

But lately it seems like he’s getting extremely fussy around 5:30 PM. I try to keep him up until at least 6:30pm, but sometimes he gets so upset that I lay him down around 6pm. He has always been a bad sleeper, which sleep training via CIO helped some. He can at least fall asleep without me now. He gets up 2-3 times a night to eat and wakes up around 6:45-7:30am. He eats 4-8oz per feeding—about every 4 hours. He will eat 7-8oz during night feeds, but less during the day. Soon after we wake up, he will get really fussy with red eyebrows and “ask” to go back down. He takes somewhat short naps, 45 mins to sometimes 1.5 hours (seldom, on a good day), about 4-5 of them per day.

Am I doing something wrong? I worry if I lay him down too soon, he will wake up even earlier. My kid is just chronically tired and I don’t know what to do. Any advice?