MIL pushing to have baby alone
This is mostly to vent, but also see if others feel this way with certain family members…
Throughout my pregnancy, my MIL was very demanding about how she’d be watching my child (she thought I was going back to work). She never listened or asked what we wanted, but told us. Fast forward to my baby being born and the requests didn’t stop. The pushiness made my partner and I extremely uncomfortable and we continued explaining our baby was EBF and I would not be leaving baby. Time and time again, my in laws have showed they’re sneaky and don’t respect rules. They push our boundaries when we’re around and have yet to apologize for the things we have brought up. The real kicker is they really don’t care to hang out with their own son or myself. We didn’t see them much before we had a baby and the only reason we see them now is because they want to see our baby. Now that our LO is nearing a year old, they are aware breastfeeding has decreased. They are back to pushing to have her alone. I just can’t shake the anxious feeling. I said no three more times and they just gave up seeing LO altogether. So they’d rather not see her at all if they can’t be alone with her?? It rubs me the wrong way. Maybe if they’d attempt to be around us and make me comfortable first, I’d start being open to the idea, but they’re too entitled to think they need to put in the work.