When did you know you had a big dick

When I learned I was different

I came to the realization when I was on brick dancing with this girl who was giving me all the signs that she was taking me home.. I couldn’t hide the bone, and when I walked by a couple guys, they said “goddam he got a big dick” as we waked past.

We we got to her place about and 1 hour later, she got me aroused quickly, and when she pulled my pants down to give me head, it popped out and she - she jumped back and said “Hell Naw, I ain’t neva had one this damn big”.. and she didn’t know if I handle it. She asked if I got that reaction all the time, and I said yes, but thought that was normal when a girl was about to have sex with me.

After we fucked, she called me the next day saying that she had a friend she was bringing over…. And that’s when I knew I was I different