Patna and Shampoo

Sake Deen Mohamed, a resident of Patna, Bihar, India, is credited with inventing shampoo.

In 1807, he moved to England, where he introduced Indian steam baths and the head massages known as "champu" (or "champi").

His innovations gained popularity, and he earned the title "Shampooing Surgeon" after treating British royalty. Mohamed played a key role in popularizing the term "shampoo."

Sake Deen Mohamed, a resident of Patna, Bihar, India, is credited with inventing shampoo.

In 1807, he moved to England, where he introduced Indian steam baths and the head massages known as "champu" (or "champi").

His innovations gained popularity, and he earned the title "Shampooing Surgeon" after treating British royalty. Mohamed played a key role in popularizing the term "shampoo."