If you play with mods, which ones do you use?

I recently got back into Isaac after not playing it for a few years and after fixing some issues with my Steam copy and beating mom’s heart (I used to mostly play PC for Antibirth and what progress I did have outside of that got deleted so I had to start all over rip) I downloaded some mods and most of them I am a big fan of. I’m curious what mods y’all play with and which ones you recommend.

For anyone wondering the ones I currently have: Antibirth OST (of course, it’s one of my favorite game soundtracks of all time), Ghostface playable character, Guppy as a playable character (not just a transformation), cursed eye fix (no longer makes you teleport), cuter dead pets sprites (for my friends who like watching me play Isaac but don’t like the dead pet stuff) and Leon’s death sound from RE4 2005 replacing Isaac’s death sound. Because it’s funny.