26 Bionicle Sets For Sale (Repost with Lowered Prices)

My prices weren't quite low enough before, but now all prices are below eBay / Bricklink! I couldn't edit my previous post, so I reposted.

All sets are in good condition and are ~98% complete unless otherwise noted. There are a ton of Bionicles here, so just reach out if you are interested and want more detailed pictures.

I will definitely offer a discount if you buy multiple sets. I'm looking to sell these quickly, so make an offer on what you want!

Buyer pays for shipping. PayPal G&S only. US only. I can calculate shipping based on zip code.

8686 - Phantoka Toa Lewa - includes manual, missing 1 shooting balls - $20

8693 - Phantoka Chirox - $20

8727 - Innika Toa Jaller - missing 4 shooting balls - $15

8728 - Inika Toa Hahli - missing 4 shooting balls, broken technic piece on arm - $15

8729 - Inika Toa Nuparu - includes manual, missing 4 shooting balls - $15

8730 - Inika Toa Hewkii - missing 4 shooting balls, sword doesnt light up - $15

8731 - Inika Toa Kongu - missing 4 shooting balls - $15

8732 - Inika Toa Mator - missing 4 shooting balls - $15

8733 - Axiom - includes manual - $80

8734 - Brutaka - missing 2 gold "tooth" technic pieces - $100

8764 - Vezon and Fenrakk - includes manual - $100

8911 - Mahri Toa Jaller - missing separate turret build and chain - $15

8912 - Mahri Toa Hewkii - includes manual, $20

8913 - Mahri Toa Nuparu - $20

8914 Mahri Toa Hahli - includes manual - $35

8915 - Mahri Toa Matoro - missing tube connection pieces from gun to back, missing 4 shooting balls, $20

8917 - Barraki Kalmah - missing 2 shooting squids - $15

8921 - Barraki Pridak - missing 2 shooting squids - $15

8940 Karzahni - includes manual - $320

8944 - Tanma - $5

8945 - Solek - includes manual - $5

8946 - Photok - $5

8947 - Radiak - includes manual - $5

8977 - Zesk - $5

8980 - Glatorian Gresh - $20

8983 - Glatorian Vorox - includes manual, missing gold spike ball - $15