I think I’m bi and I hate it

So from what you've seen at the title I think I'm bi and I hate it. This started a few weeks ago at a sports trial even and I saw this one girl who looked rly handsome and pretty she was stunning. I'm not interested in female bodies but I'm interested in females themselves, for who they are. And I loved who she was, she was funny, social and just made me feel happy just by looking at her. But at the same time I felt a disgust in me knowing that I probably liked her and I felt like throwing up. I was disappointed in myself which Ik I shouldn't be cause be who u r right? But it's not that easy. Ik for a fact im attracted to men and women im not too sure about so yeah also im Christian and it just makes everything worse for me this is just a rant and everything so yeah. I think im just going to try and ignore it but i rly don't know i feel a knot in my stomach and it just doesn't feel right to me to love women, I don't hate people who do love the same sex i just don't feel like that's me. So thanks for reading and can I pls pls have ur advice for anything? Honestly what I want to tell myself is that it's ok to love the same sex but I feel like tearing up at the thought of being with the same sex I rly just need some comfort someone to tell me that I don't want to be bi kindly and gently but still firm enough for me to not be what I think I am. But honestly I think I really like her I can't stop thinking about her and this just makes everything confusing so please in the comments if anyone sees this please please please tell me that this is just a feeling. It will go away with time (I'm in my teenager years almost a young adult, this is just a phase right?)

EDIT: thank you all for your supporting comments but also I just wanted to add that I don't think I'm completely bi because after a deep contemplation and a shower I have realised that I've harboured any feelings for any girl except for that one so yeah

EDIT 2: I'm not sure of what I'm feeling idk y but I feel more at ease when thinking about her but still a bit wobbly. Ummm yeah I feel like if I give this maybe a few more days I'll either forget about everything which I tend to do a lot ( I have a memory of a goldfish most of the time) so thanks to all ur comments for telling me that I should embrace it and maybe it's just a phase (only time will tell) and just to tell you I'm proud to be Christian and I'm also proud of myself to talk about this on here because I was originally gonna just keep it to myself but after reading all the comments I realised that you all (most of the time) gave really good advice and honestly I just can't thank you all enough Ik it's only been a few hours since I posted this but I really can't thank you enough.

THESE ARE MY PERSONAL THOUGHTS: I personally think this is a phase and I'm just experiencing new things as I grow older I'm not gonna label my self as bi or anything until I turn a age where my mind is fully developed and can make wise choices. OR this might be a admiration and jealousy (more admiration tho) of how good she is, how she can simply just join in with a group and everything and i just assumed the worse about myself but this is a fact: I do indeed like men 👍