am i valid?
hello fellow male and female attractioners of r/bisexual
i've been wondering if i'm valid to be bi lately
i'm 13 years older and have been bi for 2 years now, now one day, i was playing robloc game "LBGTQ+" hangout, it was fun, til i talked with someone who is bi too, i said "whats ur sexuality?" they said "Bi", i said "same, how old r u?" they said "14, u?" i said "12" )note this was like last year or smth) and they said "your too young" and walked away
so am i valid, becuase i think of this everytime i think of my bisexuality
is it valid for someone to become bisexual at eleven and stay that till 13? do i need to be holder? pls just tell me if i'm valid or not