Has New Wave made Pro-Level Jiu Jitsu even worse?
Whenever I watch New Wave‘s Jiu Jitsu, I yawn. Especially their standup. I get that it‘s about tiring out the opponent and they are insanely good at systemizing, increasing the opponent‘s work rate ect.
You could bluntly say:
Pro Sports is all about winning and they win. So they‘re doing the right thing.
Is that a bit short sighted?
I know it‘s a sport that only people who are involved in it enjoy watching. But if even WE get bored watching 5 mins of ripping collar ties (which looks like a BJ at some point) or GR spending 20 minutes in mount…
Besides that, most people start the sport because they want to learn to defend themselves. I get that sports jiu jitsu‘s is not meant to fulfill the purpose of self defense. And it‘s also not just a New Wave issue, but people hopping on one leg like a ballerina to give someone a single leg or GR walking around upright in a philly shell/exposing his back… is so far off the self defense thought.
It just becomes more and more unattractive performance wise. At least in the heavier divisions.
Besides the entertainment factor, every New Wave athlete fights the exact same (except Tonon maybe). There’s no personality, it’s about who follows the playbook the best. I love creative athletes or seeing someone blast a double leg even though it‘s more risky than an Arm Drag. That‘s what grows the sport.
Yes, this was just a rant.