Jeff Glover addresses Reddit threads about him

"To everyone on Reddit talking about my horrible behaviors and work ethics :

You’re all correct . I’ve been awful and said some awful things . I agree with all the stuff these people wrote about me , and I’d like to say sorry about that. I’ve represented Franjinha in a way he does not deserve. He trained me to be honest fair and honorable, although I didn’t follow his values . I agree I’ve done some scum bag things that are unforgivable. If I could go back in time I would change 100’s of thing I’ve done .

Im a work in progress, even at this old age of 42 years old now . I have to ask for forgiveness and understanding from countless people

No excuses, I dropped out of high school and became a stoner because i thought that it was cool . Looking back it’s all so childish and stupid . I have stopped smoking pot in the last few months

I want people to know I never once smoked meth however

Yes im made a fool of my self drunk countless times and regret it so much you have no idea

I want the people on riddet to know that I hate that things about my self , and I feel deep deep remorse to all the people I caused to go on there and write about me

Im honestly not racist , however I’ve joked about it like it was funny and not a big deal . Im disgusted, by the fact people are convinced im a racist

My grandmother was a beautiful Mexican women and would turn over in her grave to know this is being said about me

To my friends that have stuck by me reguardless of what I say and do , thank you. I know it’s not easy to be my friend .

Going forward I will promise the jiu jitsu world to stop being lazy when I work , and stop being such a loser in life

To people who claim to be my fans and students : thank you for giving me opportunities

I have a million more apologies to make to people , but I don’t have the time to write a millions sorry notes . If you been wronged by me and you’re reading this , I’m sorry for hurting you and for being such and entitled little prick

I know there is a good side to me , and all I can do now is try to be the good Jeff Glover that some people think I am and can be"