Sprained finger question
So about 10 days ago I was rolling. Guy was in top side and started to raise up giving me space to thow a frame in and right as I started to reach he immediately dropped his whole weight which caught my index finger. It bent in some horrific way but I didn't see it as it was trapped under his body. It was immediately painful and I knew something was wrong and I left immediately.
Went to urgent care the next day expecting to hear it was broken. Initially the doc thought I had an avulsion fracture but radiology overruled him. One of my training partners is also highly respected orthopedic surgeon. He looked at my xrays and agreed it wasn't an avulsion fracture. Said getting an MRI wasn't the best idea due to the cost and type of injury. Told me to keep it splinted for a week and then start trying to make a fist no matter how much it hurts.
As of now I can only bend it maybe 20%. If I try to force it to bend I can only get so far until it's just too painful. Even just dinging it on something almost drops me to a knee. I'm just concerned that by trying to force making a fist I'm going to reinjure it or make the recovery time longer.
Anyone go through something similar? Just worried this is going to keep me off the mat for a lot longer than I anticipated.