First day of class
Hi guys, So I've personally never done anything related to martial arts, so this will be my first time trying it. I tried boxing before (when i was 13 y/o, now 21 y/o) and I gave up on that. I've been planning on starting it again for about a month now, just trying to get my internship and work in order so my schedule is somewhat cooperative.
To be honest, i'm a little nervous and have some questions.
1.) What should I wear to the place? Will they give me an outfit?
2.) Do places typically throw people right into exercises?
3.) Will they start me off with small techniques?
The place i'm going to also features a 'mantis boxing' portion that i'd like to take up as well, since the hour long class jump right after one another.
Truthfully, I've just been looking for an outlet for my depression, anxiety, blah blah. I think this will be good for discipline and self-care, i'm banking on it.
Any answers/comments are more than welcome, Thank you.