BJJ T-Shirt Designs

My GF is a graphic designer (also does bjj) and we have been mucking around together with BJJ inspired t-shirt designs together. We might even put them online, but just playing around together for now.

Personally, I prefer the lowkey style t-shirts. Small left-chest designs, that don't display JIU JITSU from 100 feet away. So that's what I've been designing for the most part.

However, after looking online I have noticed there are two distinct styles of BJJ t-shirts. Do you guys prefer the:

  1. 'punny' t-shirts - the ones that have a bit of an 'in-joke'? I've seen ones online for example (not my idea), that have a panda bear and the text 'Bearimbolo'.
  2. Or the classier, clean, sleek designs. For example, some japanese kanji with some clean text relating to BJJ.

Personally, I like both! But I'd love to know your personal preference - which one would you 'style' would you actually buy?