Friends Parenting & Ending friendship

I need advice. I am 35 with no children. I have a friend that I have known for years. She is a "Caucasian" woman in her 50s married to a black man.They adopted two children when they were each babies. She says she has been having issues with her children for years, but I recently found out it is worst than I thought.

Her children are 21 and 18. Her son (21) had drug addiction in his teens and he got in legal trouble and she kicked him out. My friends husband sister took the son in. Her sons school and his juvenile advocates did ask my friend and husband to go to family therapy which my friend declined. Her son has been clean for years and does have a job now. I found out she has been calling the cops on her daughter whenever they argue and she has been putting her hands on her as well. The cops had no reason to be there so they just left. And she admitted she has done the same with her son when he was a teen. Her daughter is now 18 and has been getting into legal trouble hanging with the wrong crowd; which landed her in jail for a few months. She kicked her daughter out and the daughter has been living with her aunt as well.

The aunt recently passed without a will and her house went to my friend's husband and my friend got her husband to kick her daughter out because she says her daughter is lazy since she hasn't found a full-time job since getting out of jail, she does work part-time though. My friends' parents left her thier paid off house, so she never had to rent a place or pay a mortgage, so calling her daughter lazy is crazy to me. The aunts house is paid off and the kids have been splitting electric, etc..

I have reached out to the daughter via Facebook to offer local resources in the area since she is now homeless. I don't want to judge parents especially since I am not one, but I will have to end the friendship. I don't agree with her lack of parenting and what I feel is endangering her daughter and racism. And I feel like her husband has no backbone for letting this go on for years.