I had to block my own brother

I just had to block one of my own older brothers. I am 19F and my brother is 29. Growing up I had 3 older siblings and only one of them went to college, got a degree, got married, and is living successfully. The other two siblings including the brother I blocked did not take that route in life, instead they fell into the cycle of financial issues, drama, and trying to find their way. I do not judge them for this because I know life is hard. But I fear those two siblings have a secret animosity towards me because I'm in college trying to do other things with my life. Today my brother called me just to check in and we were having a normal conversation until we started talking about me and my goals, I had recently settled on a major and decided I want to pursue law school. I'm only a sophomore so I had time to try different majors (comp sci, education) but I eventually settled on history on a pre law track. Then he started to talk about how he knows me so wellll and how he knows l'm gonna change my major and basically saying I don't know what I want and downplaying my goals. Once he said the sentence "oh I'll call in 6 months and see if that's still what you wanna do" I immediately hung up and blocked him. Ive already had to deal with my older sister having secret animosity towards me because of the relationship I have with my parents and she told me the only reason I'm in college is because of my dad (he had nothing to do with me getting into college) basically down playing my hard work. But to hear this type of talk from my older brother really hurt. My other brother who went to college only speaks life into me, supports my goals, helps me figure out what's realistic to do and he keeps it straight with me but he has never talked down on me like this. I know this is a big reaction but l'm just tired of the disrespect.