Straight BS
Man, I’m so sick of the coonery from some of the black dudes out here. We need to find some way to bring them back to reality & understand the culture or vote them the hell off the island. They wanna be with the others so bad shit let em. Sick of they asses. When I say vote I mean BOOT, cause some of these fools need exactly that.. a boot to the mf head & then some.
I just saw a post in a Facebook group, and it’s a white dude trolling with racism (wow such a surprise) this black mf in the top comment says “as a black man, this is hilarious 😂😂” then proceeds to cut down anybody black telling him that he’s an embarrassment to our culture etc. calling them “Kamala voters”..
Why bro? Just why.. The sick part about it is you can always tell a self-hating black because they look the same lmao. Idk if it’s just me, but they all got that look and idk how to explain it in words 😭 damn Oreos smh