Raiders is a 70’s movie, Temple is an 80’s movie, Last Crusade is a 90’s movie…
Not sure if anyone has posted this thought yet. But Paul Rust said this on With Gourley And Rust. I forget which episode. And I believe he is quoting a friend of his. I felt like that’s a great way to describe the tonal shifts throughout the original trilogy.
Raiders - a bit more grounded. Complex love story. Downer, cynical ending.
Temple - little kid side kick. Tons of special effects. Indy is buff. Swings between dark tone and kids movie humor. Super happy ending. ‘Fortune and glory’
Last Crusade - A bit cheesier and crowd-pleasy, in the way a lot of 90s blockbusters became. Not a comment on quality. Very sincere.
Thought it was a fun thought!