If I can make one wish

I wish that Control would NEVER get a rework and the devs just troll the playerbase especially the hoarders that think they're smart/investors lol.

That'd be very funny and I'd love to see it.

Also, they should do this more often with Mythicals just to screw with the economy.

Just a simple "I heard the team is looking into Barrier and Pain..." would be chaos through and through and then not actually doing anything

I wish that Control would NEVER get a rework and the devs just troll the playerbase especially the hoarders that think they're smart/investors lol.

That'd be very funny and I'd love to see it.

Also, they should do this more often with Mythicals just to screw with the economy.

Just a simple "I heard the team is looking into Barrier and Pain..." would be chaos through and through and then not actually doing anything