When you’ve wished a book were longer…

Perhaps I am an impatient person (perhaps not), but, more often than not (sadly), I want a book to end. Even in the midst of some of the ones I enjoy, at the back of my mind are thoughts: When will this end? I like this, but why is this dragging on and on?… Sort of like a party that started out fun but has gone on too long and you’re ready to go home and get some sleep…

There have been rare moments in my life when I thought a book really should have been longer and I would have enjoyed it still. I think this is quite an accomplishment and also a rarity (like a rare, endangered animal in the wilderness that everyone wants to see but few find). And then there were other times when a book was perfection and the length was just right and so satisfying.


As a teen, Ella Enchanted: I wanted it to be several chapters, if not 100 or so pages, longer.

The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare - I actually think this book may have benefited from a sequel or two following the main character. I didn’t want it to end.

As an adult: Wives and Daughters - Elizabeth Gaskell died before it’s completion, but for me, this book verges on being the perfect read but also I would have loved to have been able to read how the author planned to complete it in her own words rather than someone else’s at the end.

The Traveling Cat Chronicles - I didn’t necessarily want this book to be longer, but I would not have minded because I enjoyed every second of it. This was the first time in the longest time when I finished a book, and I sat there and went wow, that was perfect. 5-Star read.

Edited to add: Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan - perfect length, neither too short nor too long, and the lack of more is satisfying. Such a skilled author

I think I’ve written enough. For other readers out there, what are the books you’ve come across that left you wanting more (not less hopefully)? I’m finding that I cannot seem to find books like this at the rate desired. It seems so rare, even with ones I enjoy. I just want them to end. 😂😭