Did my expander fail? Advice?

TLDR: I don’t think my palate expanded, ortho says it did, is there anything I can do as far as a refund if it failed?

Ortho says it’s going great and is saying my face structure has changed for the better and my nasal passages are wider so I can breathe easier, etc…the thing is, I don’t notice any difference. I think my palate didn’t expand at all and it just pushed my teeth out, which now look kind of flared out to me. I really only got the expander because he said a widened palate would help with sleep apnea (which he diagnosed me with himself, without a sleep test). Anyways, I think he’s selling snake oil and I bought it…but is there any way to get any kind of refund if my palate didn’t actually expand? Also, is this something you would consider changing orthos over?

TLDR: I don’t think my palate expanded, ortho says it did, is there anything I can do as far as a refund if it failed?

Ortho says it’s going great and is saying my face structure has changed for the better and my nasal passages are wider so I can breathe easier, etc…the thing is, I don’t notice any difference. I think my palate didn’t expand at all and it just pushed my teeth out, which now look kind of flared out to me. I really only got the expander because he said a widened palate would help with sleep apnea (which he diagnosed me with himself, without a sleep test). Anyways, I think he’s selling snake oil and I bought it…but is there any way to get any kind of refund if my palate didn’t actually expand? Also, is this something you would consider changing orthos over?