Post braces is worse than actually having them.

When my orthodontist said I was getting my braces off I was happy since I could finally live my life without having so much stuff in my mouth all the time. I could finally just have my normal teeth. And yes I'm fine with wearing a retainer at night which is what I originally thought I had to do. But after I got my braces off I got a permanent retainer put on my bottom teeth and was also informed the I would need to wear my top retainer indefinitely only taking it off when eating. I also learned that I'm going to have to wear a clear retainer over my bottom one Indefinitely permanent one. What's the point of even taking the braces off?? I have more stuff in my mouth than I had before and now I learned I'm going to have to die with this metal wire on the back of my teeth with a plastic cover over them. What happened to just putting them in at night!?!! Why do all my friends and parents who had braces basically have to wear nothing but I'm stuck with plastic and metal in mouth my whole life? And I can't even go back to eating what I want I still have to be careful MY WHOLE LIFE with now the extra percussion of having to keep up with my regular retainers when I eat. Nothing changed it arguably got worse then before when my teeth were crooked. I'd rather just have crooked teeth with nothing on them with straight nice looking teeth covered with plastic and metal. Do people go through all this trouble their whole lives just to have slightly better teeth than an average person. To look good now I have to spend hours of my day on a dental routine and keeping up with this??! This 3 year stent of me having braces costing thousands of dollars just led to me being more uncomfortable than I was before I had them. Can anybody tell me if it will get better or will I be 90 years old sitting in a retirement home still taking 20 minutes to floss each morning?