I really don’t like Jane personally
I really don’t like Jane personally, she is my third least favorite character(Todd and Ted are definitely way worse than Jane). The way she was treating Jesse. At first it seemed like they loved each other, but once she found out about Jesse money it seemed like she only cared about Jesse for the money and not his personality. While Jesse still cared for Jane. Also don’t like how she tried to turn Jesse against Walter, as he wasn’t a bad guy yet. Although tbf what Jesse went through was hell so I don’t really hate her that now. I also don’t like how toxic their relationship was for each other. Jesse is no saint as he put her back on drugs, but she was also putting him on heroine. She would have OD Jesse by a month and she would have OD around the same time they were horrible for each other. I also hate how she treated her dad. I felt terrible for the dad in the show as it is clear he just wants the best for her. Yet she keeps making the same mistake and continues to manipulate him and take advantage of her dad. It just made me feel more horrible for the dad. That’s why I am not a huge fan of Jane, I don’t think she deserved or should have died but I think Jesse and her should have broke up, and should have gone to rehab as she did seem better when she was sober.