Was there a bigger hypocrite in the Breaking Bad Universe than Gus?
Gus seemed like the biggest hypocrite in this series and in Better Call Saul in my opinion, he absolutely hated Hector and the Salamancas for what happened to Max. But he was no better than Hector if not worse than him ( considering Gus was most likely a ruthless high ranking official in Pinochet’s Regime when he was in Chile , and most likely killed hundreds of people during that time). The only reason Gus hates Hector and the cartel as a whole was because they murdered Max, if they never did that then Gus would have been fine with Hector and the cartel that Eladio ran. Gus murdered so many people in Breaking Bad and BCS and most of them didn’t deserve it or did nothing to him, we just see how truly rotten Gus is as a person in BCS. So I think in the end Gus actually didn’t “ understand blood for blood”, he never had any honor and he doesn’t care about killing innocent people in the purist of his “ revenge”. He was always a monster and was never better than any of the people he despised for taking away just one person he cared for.