Is there a real possibility my supply won’t come back after mastitis and I’ll have to quit?

Supply has taken a huge hit. I’ve been doing weighted feeds today and each feed my baby is only getting about 3.5 oz whereas before my mastitis/clog he would be getting close to 5-6oz. And the 3.5 oz is after I have him feed on both sides and then try to do a pumped bottle afterwards (on both sides) to make sure I’m fully drained out. I’ve basically been having to feed him every 1.75 hrs with this low output all day but I’ve seen no improvement from the “cluster feeding”

I’m on day 4 since the clog/inflammation came about and with all my other clogs (which were on the other side, my slacker side) my supply had come back by this point. However this clog having been on my over producing side, is still down 3 oz of output (I’m only getting 1 oz after 2.5 hrs).

Is there a very real scenario my supply could never come back? If my supply doesn’t change, I’ll have to make the painful call to quit because my baby has been dropping in percentile. He was 50 and now he’s down to 40 since his weight has remained stagnated.