Bottle of version, baby took a bottle today.
EDIT: LMAO Voice text really got me here. Bottle aversion****************************
I don’t know what caused it. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to replicate this. But right now I’m going to enjoy the fact that I have been working every single night for the past month to give this baby a bottle and tonight she took one.
Thank you to everyone here who responded to my frantic messages over the past month.
I’ve had her practice playing with bottles all day. I don’t think it was helping at all.
The bottle that she’s drinking right now has breastmilk and not formula. I do not think that matters she’s drink both in the past with no problem.
Today we switched to the nuk bottle. I’m not sure that that’s a factor.
My husband had her before I got upstairs. It could’ve been something he did before. I grabbed her to feed her.
Here’s what I do know: I put the baby on the boob, took her off, held the bottle sideways in place of the boob, and let her come to it. She took a couple of sips, pulled off it. Re-latched, took a couple of sips, pulled off it. Repeat again and again. This was already a huge improvement from what we had been experiencing in the past.
Right now she’s laying on her side drinking from the bottle and I am baffled.