Best places to live in the Southern Interior?

Hey y'all!

I'm a Registered Nurse from Alberta starting to look elsewhere to put my roots down. Everything I have read so far is pointing to BC in terms of quality of life, work/life balance and generally being valued for my skills.

Cranbrook has always been my boyfriend's dream- he lived there for a few years and loved it, and only moved to Alberta to put a few years in the oil field to get ahead in life. But the rental market doesn't look great. We are planning on buying a house- but, not in the next year or two. We also have a 5 year old, a cat and a pitbull- so anything I am seeing is not pet friendly. (Bonus points for the one add I saw that said MuSt Be A cAnAdIaN cItIzEn aNd LiVe In Bc FoR aT lEaSt a YeAr)

Ideally I'd love to be close to the US border and in the mountains. Places with lots of young families is a must!

Preferably somewhere that doesn't evacuate every other year. I am a Fort McMurrayite- I'm over it LOL

Thank you all in advanced. <3