Zen Browser Takes Over File Associations - Also Causing Mouse Stutter
I'm on Peppermint XFCE.
I logged on today to found this weird stutter when my mouse cursor was passing over things like buttons, text inputs, icons on the desktop and in the task panel. I thought it might have been an update or a DE or OS or mouse configuration.
Then I noticed it. A PDF I had on my desktop had what looked like an internet shortcut icon. I hovered over it. Yep, it's a PDF. I clicked on it. Zen Browser opened up and displayed the PDF.
I did NOT give Zen permission to be the default PDF viewer. Who do they think they are, Microsoft Edge? What else are they doing behind the scenes that I'm not aware of. That is some shady stuff going on right there. I uninstalled it immediately.
Upon reboot my PDF icon went back to normal, and the file association restored. On top of that, the mouse stutter was gone! Better off with out it. Thanks for reading. :)
The End.