Long wait with bandage not changed and itching like crazy

I had my original bandages changed after the first 5 days post bunion surgery (tradition osteotomy) and now I need to wait 2 additional weeks before getting them changed again. I'm 11 days in since it was last changed and I can't see dr until Monday. The incision site is bothering the heck out of me - a bit sore and really itching. Should I be concerned about the bandage being on for too long and causing a problem because the wound hasn't aired out? I called the dr office and the only assistant available told me that it's only a problem (infection) if there is swelling, discoloration, or oozing. But how can I even tell any of that when it's covered with a bandage on top of the giant wrap of gauze and I'm not allowed to open/change it myself? I worry a little because it's supposed to stay dry, but what about sweat making the dressing slightly damp? (I cannot be the only person who has thought of this, am I?) Has anyone experienced an infection or other problem with the incision site because of a bandage being left on for too long? Or the opposite - has anyone experienced itching and soreness under a bandage left on for a long time and it turned out to be healing just fine? We are heading into the weekend and I'm just looking for (hopefully) reassurance!