[pjo] weird thing about The Wrath of the Triple Goddess

Ok so I'm about 82% through with the audiobook of The Wrath of the Triple Goddess, and I mean, it's good. Like, I don't have any major problem with the plot or anything, it's keeping me entertained.

But the thing is, what is UP with all the mentions of peeing?

It started with just the thing about Percy peeing himself, and that just does NOT make sense, I'm sorry. Like bro has been through 2 wars, and TARTARUS, this just isn't believable. Ok, whatever, I can ignore that.

But then, Nope comes along, and pees everywhere as well. Yes, he's a puppy, but the rough estimation of HOW MANY TIMES he pees in the book (so far) is over 20, which is just too much.

I feel like half the book was just talking about pee, and it's not just those two incidents. There was also so many mentions of Percy having a full bladder, or needing to pee, or thinking back about the time that he peed himself in front of Hecate.

I'm confused and annoyed by this. According to my friend, some of the other books (TOA?) also had mentions of peeing a lot.

Idk, it just made the book a lot less enjoyable to me and it makes me genuinely feel kind of put off. Am I just overthinking this? Personally, I prefer it when people keep bodily functions out of books and movies for the most part. A few mentions of it is fine, but if it doesn't have any relation to the plot it just adds extra stuff that I don't need to know about, especially when it feels like this is happening multiple times per chapter???

Also maybe somewhat related is the massive amount of farts and stuff? Which could be just Gale's thing, but it was still mentioned a lot. Is potty humor taking over the books?

Yeah so let me know your thoughts please :)