Tana and Brooke should do just Trish
Trisha did a great job of highlighting the impact of Brooke's tweets on black and POCs. She noted her white privledge and why she cant relate to the hate.
I think Tana and Brooke should go on just Trish and talk about how they are addressing everything and learning. It's also a chance for Trisha to address her own racist past and finally acknowledge how it impacted black, racialized, marginalized, and other vulnerable groups. Trisha pushed stereotypes like black men being gang members and rapists, she claimed she was black because she had oily eye lids, a wide nose and thick hair, she called out "white racism" because she thought it's wrong that white people shouldn't use the n word. She's appropriated cultures and religions, she's made hateful content about Latinos, Indians, Jewish people, Blacks, LGBTQIA.... she's shown she knows how to acknowledge victims through her content about Brooke, now she should address her victims. What better way to do this than with Tana and Brooke. A white racist round table, clear the air... take accountability. Trisha maybe make some donations instead of saying you want to adopt Indian children to save them, while pushing your Hare Trishna brand which pushed bastardized Hare Krishna content. It might be a shock to know that there are Hare Krishna gurus and leaders that are already doing important work, they don't need a white blonde sun doll, who has been "practicing" for a week to be making money off their religion and way of life.