I’m surprised Tana isn’t scared to even mention anything with OF when she was accused recently of getting girls looped into a scam and was low key acting like a pimp. Then they’re trying to normalize OF. Which is a big ass pyramid scheme. And then trying to say it’s empowering is the biggest BS ever. I hope no young girls ever think it’s a path for them. You make nothing and then end up naked online not worth it . I know they’re saying it’s not for everyone but SW shouldn’t be anyone’s first choice! So many consequences like what if you end up with a stalker and a normal girl can’t get security just one thing so many things can go wrong. Anyway sorry for my rant. I just hate OF so much it makes me sad for young girls. Also Camila rubs me the wrong way she gives me such bad vibes. Weren’t these the same girls bringing that one minor girl to their OF house