I have no idea what career I want
I have a million interests which makes it nearly impossible to choose a career path. I get so much anxiety about deciding on ONE avenue to go down. In a few months, I will be receiving my bachelors in communications—but I would like to continue my education afterwards… Does anyone have advice for choosing a career when you’re undecided? I’m also open to people sending recommendations on careers I should consider!
(For context: i chose communications because it’s the most general degree. I did an early college program, so by the time I graduated High School, I had to choose my major. Thankfully, I received financial aid which is why I would still like to continue my education despite being undecided. If I had to rank the standard subjects within school that I was best at—starting from worst: math, science, history, then english. I’m definitely bad at math, but I’m decent in science! I was in a medical program in high school! I enjoyed the subjects we learned like anatomy & forensics but I realized that it wasn’t a field I wanted to be in for a multitude of reasons. I love politics & advocacy (I would not be a lawyer though haha). Civic engagement is very important to me. I am not a strong person (physically), I’m a bit introverted but I can still speak to people. I love reading & going outside. I have always been passionate about environmental issues. That’s about all I can think of- I also love animals & film lol. OH- and I do not like economics. I took a few classes and hated it. Please help I’m struggling. I’m open to any recommendations but I’m also hoping to find a job that might be practical/in demand.