How do I know what to do?

Hi everyone, new to this sub so be kind haha.

I have a dilemma. So I’m really unhappy at work at the moment. Had 3 job interviews in the last week, been rejected from 2 already but the 3rd I feel like I have a good chance of getting. The company seems amazing, which is great…right?

The issue is that I’m struggling to embrace the change. I’ve always struggled with change and find it paralysing. The thought of having to learn an entirely new industry when I’ve just learned this one makes me want to cry and cry. New people as well terrifies me. (Yes I think I’m neurodiverse, for anyone thinking that already 😂😅)

I just want to cry. The thought of staying where I am makes me want to cry, the thought of leaving makes me want to cry, I just don’t know what to do. Frustratingly, my job role now I love, it’s just my company and certain things about my industry (hard to explain but cant give specifics) that are so hard to deal with on a day to day.

Please help and please be kind - would love to hear from people with similar stories 🩷