I just got fired. What do I do?

I was just terminated from my job. I’ve been for there for 1.5 years and I never expected to be fired. I feel guilty and responsible and I’m in complete shock. I feel like a failure and I don’t know what to do.

I just got a promotion 2 months ago after asking for it, along with a raise. Today I got called into the office and I was told I was being terminated immediately due to excessive breaks. They began an investigation on the length of my bathroom breaks, and they ranged from 15-30 minutes. I will admit that I knew I was “stealing company time” but everyone does it, and I didn’t think I would get fired.

I know this is my fault but I don’t know what to do, I’m freaking out. I bought a new car, and recently moved into an apartment. I don’t know how to make those payments. I have about 3 months before I’m completely out of savings and my family is extremely unsupportive so I’m terrified to tell them the truth. I’m sorry for the rant I just don’t know what to do and I’m seriously having an anxiety attack. Ive never been fired from anything before. I’m 24 years old, for context. There’s plenty of people in my department who did the same thing as me, but they’ve been there for a lot longer and apparently the same consequences do not apply to them. I should have known better still.

Will this go on my record forever for future employers? Will I ever be hired again? Please note, this was a career job for me, and I was planning on progressing in this career and I suddenly feel like I’ve ruined my entire life. Severance doesn’t appear to be an option. I didn’t ask a lot of questions, I signed a paper, and I was walked out. Aside from the obvious “apply to other jobs”, I don’t know what to do. Do I have to disclose this termination to all other employers? I also keep hearing how bad the job market is right now and that’s not making me feel better. What am I even supposed to do?