Is it normal to do basically nothing at your corporate job?

Six months ago, I was hired as a data analyst at a large insurance company after finishing my master's program. The interview process was thorough—a technical assessment where I had to clean messy data and build visualizations, a case study presentation, and a couple rounds of behavioral interviews with some SQL questions thrown in. Nothing too extreme, but enough to make me think this would be a challenging role.

Now I'm here with a 6 figure salary and benefits in a hybrid role (2 days in office, 3 remote), but I spend most days with surprisingly little to do. My first project was cleaning up our customer dataset and building some marketing dashboards. I worked efficiently, finished ahead of schedule, and my manager was genuinely impressed with the results.

But since completing that project three months ago, I've had minimal work. I occasionally get requests for data pulls or simple visualizations that take maybe 30 minutes. I've started using some basic tools and approaches that just seemed logical to me.

I built a few reusable templates in our BI tool that I can modify for different requests. The marketing director called me a "visualization genius" in a meeting because I used a different chart type than the pie charts they've apparently been using since 2003.

The marketing team thinks I'm working overtime because I schedule emails with their requested reports to send at 6:30am. In reality, I finished them at 2pm the day before and spent the rest of the afternoon watching YouTube videos about beer brewing.

I mostly use Chatgpt to help write my SQL queries. My 58-year-old manager walked by my desk last week, saw some basic subqueries on my screen and said, "Wow, you young folks really understand this database stuff intuitively." Sir, I literally just asked an AI to write this for me.

I wrote a small Python script to help the sales team consolidate their weekly reports (honestly, I just described the problem to Chatgpt and tweaked the code it gave me). We literally covered this exact task in my data processing course, but they acted like I'd invented electricity. The sales director wanted to know my "secret" to solving their problem so quickly. My secret is that I'm not using Excel formulas for everything like it's 1998.

For weekly department meetings or any other meeting with way too many people in it I use an ai note taker (yapnote) so I don't have to pay attention during call. When someone asked about a detail from last month's meeting, I just asked ai about it topic while everyone was still debating what was said. Do people not know that you can do this??

I genuinely work maybe 10-15 hours a week. The rest of the time I'm just... waiting. Reading wait but why posts. Watching woodworking videos. I even started baking bread smh. Organizing my desktop folders by color (don't judge me, we all have our ways of maintaining sanity).

Is this what corporate America is actually like? In school, professors warned us about the "demanding corporate environment" and "high-pressure deadlines." My biggest pressure right now is pretending to look busy when my camera is on during team calls.

Last week, I got called into an unexpected meeting with my manager. I was convinced they'd figured out I wasn't doing much. Instead, he asked if I'd be willing to help other team members "level up their technical skills." I'm not even sure what skills I'm supposed to be sharing—using the search function? Knowing how to clear the cache? How to ask Chatgpt?

Is this normal? Did I accidentally hack corporate life? Or am I missing something fundamental about how work is supposed to function? I feel like I'm in some weird corporate twilight zone where perception completely disconnects from reality.