Goodbye Nelli πŸŒˆπŸ’”

Three days ago my beloved Russian Blue crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She was hit by a car. At 3PM my family suddenly received a call from the company of her microchip. They said our cat had passed away and that she was brought to a vet by a family that found her lying on the street.

When we arrived at the clinic her body didn't look that affected. She had some blood on one foot and scaring on her mouth. I can't believe she died of that... The doctor said she must've suffered head trauma and that fluid came out of her lungs when she arrived. I just hope she died instantly and didn't really register anything.

This happened only 14 hours after I submitted my bachelor's thesis... I'm so devastated.

The days before I couldn't give her that much attention bc I was focused on writing my thesis. But the night before her passing and right after I submitted it, she was so cute and did sth. she hadn't really done before. I was laying down, she got on my chest and placed her paw on my nose. Then she rubbed her face on mine many times. I said thank you so much!😭😭😭. Later I saw a post on insta from sb. who lost their cat and I thought that must be so difficult. I shed a tear and petted Nelli, when then half a day later the same destiny would happen to me. It's so surreal!

It's painful looking at our photos and I can't watch videos of her. She really was my best friend. She loved my big grey coat (pic 2,4,9) where she always made her biscuits. We snuggled a lot on my bed:). She followed me everywhere, she always gave her paw and could do tricks.

What I regret most is that she had such a short life, the doctor also said it's a pity cuz RB's have a long life expectancy. She was just 23 months old. We got her when she was 7 months old. We live in a small village and have a very big garden. There are also other gardens next to ours, but apparently that wasn't enough for her. At least I know she had a good life, even if sadly it was way too short. She could go outside whenever she wanted, got maybe too many treats by me😚, loved to be by my side and also on my terrace. She knew I loved her!

We had no other cat. We got Nelli cuz my mom has a cat allergy but she had no symptoms with her. If we had two cats maybe I wouldn't have let them outside in the first place bc they would have each others company. But we didn't want to risk my mums allergy coming back and so, didn't adopt another. Thus I thought for her as our only cat it's better if she could go out the house some times a day. She loved to be outside. I had rabbits as a child that died, but the grief isn't comparable at all!! It hurts tooo much. It feels so weird sitting on my empty bed now. She was so cute, intelligent and friendly. I wish I could turn back time and save her. We were always together, I lost my best friend.

Please give your cat an extra treat today and show them you really love them. Nothing is guaranteed and every moment of their existence is precious!!!