Dental products for tiny cats
My 5 year old cat has gingivitis and will need dental surgery soon. But once she gets the surgery I need to find a way to maintain her oral health.
The problem is she’s tiny. She weighs between 5 and 6 lbs. Even the kitten toothbrushes were too big for her and essentially triggered her gag reflex, and they’re also big enough that I can’t see what I’m doing in her mouth. Ive tried the finger swab things (way too big), matatabi sticks (too big and when I cut them down to a smaller size, she wouldn’t touch them), I’ve tried chewable toys (she was uninterested). She only recently decided she likes greenies dental treats but I don’t think that will be enough and I really don’t want her gingivitis to continue to develop after surgery.
It’s been especially concerning because it’s been a while since the gingivitis was first diagnosed. Her vet has not been concerned about it being a hazard but after seeing some social media posts about people’s pets dying because of it, and just because she’s overdue for a check up, I’m getting more and more concerned.
A check up and surgery is in the very near future, but I want to be proactive and figure out something to prevent it from getting worse, especially after surgery. If anyone knows of any products for very small cats that don’t like chewing on things, that would be extremely appreciated. The things I tried above were all recommended by my vet and haven’t worked so I want to see what else is out there that I might not know about.
Cat grass is also not an option as she decimates it in a matter of days… also, she climbed up on top of my kitchen cabinets to get to where I had stashed it, ate it all, then puked.
And just as a disclaimer, thankfully she does not show any signs of pain or damage. She eats regularly, begs for food, still has explosive zoomies. Sleeps average hours for a cat. She doesn’t make the cat grimace face. Has no problems using her mouth when playing. She’ll chew on cardboard (but not matatabi sticks 🙄), and is very talkative. I’m probably just paranoid, but I want the best for her. Every time I smell her breath I kinda feel like a bad cat dad. I previously had some financial struggles, but I’m about to enter a pretty lucrative field and that shouldn’t be an issue anymore. Again, any advice is welcome and appreciated