Urinary infection
Hello.. Everyone. Happy New year first of all. I had cdiff in 2019,had colitis, it lasted 14 days and I never tested positive again,but it has ruined my bowels, ruined me physically, I never recovered. I'm anorexic I have severe endometriosis and adenomiosis, addison's, hashimoto and I'm in pain every day since then Also. Ptsd from cdiff never went away. I've been through corona, through rota viruses, twice, i never got it again, but I had to take oral antibiotic yesterday, 3mg of urifos, its for urinary infection, because they found a lot of bacteria in my urine. Now I'm so scared. So so scared. I took Boulardi two hours prior ,i never stopped taking it since I've had it. I also take bio kult, so another probiotic, but my fear is worse then ever. My question is.. Is there any chance.. Since this is just one antibiotic, and I took Boulardi, and I only had cdiff once almost now 3 yrs ago... How much should I be scared.. What are the chances? I'm so scared I couldn't sleep. My endo, adeno and glued organs are not helping I didn't sleep at all. I am so anorexic I can't afford to get that shit again. I went through everything w/o antibiotics and for some reason they were wild about me taking this. They said oh it shouldn't mess with cdiff because its only 3mg and its for urinary infection. But on Google it says urifos is folsfomicin, and in side effect says :can cause cdiff. I'm shook and scared because let me tell you.. I would rather go through corona 15x,surgery,birth, everything.. But cdiff... I would not wish that upon anyone. Please help me. Please. I'm freaking out.