would i get into georgia tech??
LOL deleted my last post bc it accidentally posted before i had the chance to finish it
But GT's EA2 decision date is this Friday. Based on my stats, GT is a reach for me, but I'm still wondering what my chances would actually be.
GPA: 3.76 (UW) 4.13 (W)
ACT: 28
Also I've taken 12 honors courses and 10 APs throughout high school
Note** I am a high school transfer (transferred my junior year (2023) and I am out-of-state)
EC (You guys don't have to read all of the descriptions lol)
Student Government Senior Class Representative/Class Officer: As a senior class representative, I work with a team of five other class officers to plan and organize different school affairs, such as Homecoming, Homecoming Parade, spirit weeks, Teacher Appreciation, The Blood Drive, the “Adopt a Kid” program, and prom.
1 year (Senior)
All About Astronomy Blog: I have a blog (still updating) that showcases different things related to astronomy, such as fun facts about several stars, galaxies, black holes, planets, constellations, and famous astronomers.
1 year (Senior)
Hope Squad Thunderwatch Leader: I’ve been in Hope Squad for a total of three years now. I was nominated as a Hope Squad Leader my sophomore year at (school), along with my junior and senior years at (school). As a Hope Squad Leader, my responsibilities include providing a safe, supportive space for all students, especially those who are struggling, promoting and encouraging mental health awareness through announcements and posters, being able to notice students who exhibit concerns regarding well-being or mental health and report them to a trusted adult, and overall creating a better school community.
3 years (Sophomore, Junior, and Senior)
Girls Tennis: Throughout my high school career, I’ve played varsity tennis for 2 years. I played JV 2nd doubles my sophomore year (winning the doubles tournament match in 2022) and varsity 2nd doubles my junior and senior years.
3 years (Sophomore, Junior, Senior)
Mock Trial: As a lead witness for the plaintiff, I provide testimony to convince the jury and judges at different competitions based on a witness statement in accordance with the Ohio Mock Trial case.
1 year (Senior)
Link Crew Leader: As a Link Crew (A-Team) Leader, my duties include guiding and touring incoming freshmen and transfers around the school on Orientation Day. On Orientation Day, with a partner, we lead small groups in different icebreaker activities and answer any questions about the school, clubs, and overall experiences.
1 year (Senior)
Eagle Ambassador: At (school), I was an Eagle Ambassador my sophomore year. As an Eagle Ambassador, I was responsible for touring families during Open House days, guiding incoming freshmen on Orientation Day, and leading a small group of 8th graders on Discovery Day. Additionally, hosting shadow 8th grade students is a crucial part of being an Eagle Ambassador. During my time as one, I hosted two shadow students. I toured them around the school and gave them a glimpse into my own schedule, allowing them to get a feel of the school and walk away with a positive experience.
1 year (Sophomore)
Student Council Social Committee Member: At (school), I was involved in the Student Council’s Social Committee, a small group of chosen student ambassadors to plan and organize school dances and social organizers. As a member of Social Committee, I designed and suggested different prom and homecoming themes, set up and cleaned up for all dances and organizers, planned Halloween and Christmas indoor/outdoor movie nights, planned monthly Teacher Appreciation days, and helped organize music playlists.
2 years (Freshman, Sophomore)
Student Council Student Ambassador: As a Student Council Student Ambassador during my Freshman year, I attended monthly meetings and suggested input and ideas for different events around the school. I assisted in different activities such as door-decorating and fundraising bake sales.
2 years (Freshman, Sophomore)
Science Olympiad: I was a part of Science Olympiad during my 6th and 7th grade years. During that time, I participated in Reach for the Stars (Astronomy) and Fossils. This year, my events include Astronomy, Fossils, and Anatomy.
**previous school did NOT have SO team.
1 year high school (senior), 2 years middle school (6th, 7th)
Awards (ones that I put on common app)
AP Scholar Award
Dottie Yeck Good Life Award (writing contest)
Girls Tennis Senior Academic Award
Seal of Biliteracy
Honor Roll 14 Consecutive Quarters