CMV: Barbie will have a much bigger impact on female lead blockbusters than The Marvels.

A lot of people point to the marvels as a example of why female lead blockbusters fail and why disney will stop making "woke content". I felt this was very far fetched the marvels had a lot going against it. Its the latest in the line of marvel films that were already mediocre its also very generic and paint by numbers. Thor Love and thunder Ant Man Quanamanium and Secret Invasion really destroyed the general audiences desire to see more marvel movies.

I also don't the Marvels is a particularly "woke" movie sure the leads are all women and the villain is a woman but does it have a feminist message or anything particularly to say about the female experience?

Not really maybe there is that line about "black girl magic" but other than that nothing in the movie seemed very offensive to the average male movie goer.

If you contrast that with Barbie that has a explicitly feminist message and said the word "patriarchy" which obviously should turn off antifeminist viewers despite all that it was a success.

Now I see disney hiring a basically unknown female feminist female director to make a new star wars movie and I can't help but think they are trying to copy barbies success. Who knows maybe it will fail but I don't think disney is going to blame female leads or minorites for its failures. We are going to see a lot of barbie copy cats in the next few years like it or not.